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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Dec 29, 2023

“When the workin' day is done Oh girls, they wanna have fun” Do you recognize this quote?
Well, if you survived the 80s, I bet you kept on with the melody 👩🏼‍🎤
If Cindy Lauper hasn’t convinced you about the importance of having fun, maybe you can try reading Play by Stuart Brown.
"The opposite of play is not work, it’s depression." - Stuart Brown.
My point for today is to remind you that play is a fundamental piece of your career growth.
And play is absolutely not detrimental to work.

Last week I received this message from an old friend. 
”I’ve just got a Director role. That CV you helped me to do, opened up my mind so much. 
Once again, thank you very much!”
He actually was one of my first clients, more than a decade ago.
We used to work in the same company and did multiple projects together.
One day he told me he wanted to shift his career but didn’t know where to start.

And I said, “Well, start with your CV.”
He felt embarrassed because his CV was completely outdated.
And so I helped him update it.
We met after work hours and had this journey together into his:
☆ Past to find out his achievements.
☆ Present to set his goals.
☆ Future to design his growth strategies.

I had a lot of fun helping him write that CV and designing his career strategies.
(and this was much before I became a career coach)
And after a couple of hours, I said:
”Now you’re ready to talk to the next person that can help your next move. Go straight up and meet your director and VP.”
And so he did.
What happened next is history.

He’s not only established a solid professional reputation in his new career but also thrived internationally.
And every time he gets a promotion, he sends me a message thanking me for being the first person to have helped him.
This is so good on so many levels.
I do what I do because I have a lot of fun, above all things.
So if right now you’re stuck in your career growth, I have an invitation for you.

Throughout the past years, I’ve developed a turnkey system that has helped more than 100 people grow.
This is my blueprint and what you get from each step:

Design what you want.
You have a crystal clear goal. You know your strengths and how to use them to neutralize weaknesses. You mapped the results you delivered in your career.

Be visible to those who can hire you.
Your profile is optimized and ready to receive visitors. You know how Linkedin works. You're ready to use It strategically.

Never again ashamed of a boring CV.
You highlighted your core competencies with quantifiable results. You know how to customize your CV for any position. You are what recruiters are looking for.

Actions build confidence
You nailed the perfect cover letter. You are prepared for job interviews. You are comfortable with networking. You are a master in salary negotiation.

Your career growth is right here waiting for you.

Let’s rock.

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Learn my 3 step process to boost your visibility in a few profile tweaks. Download the free guide How to Double Your LinkedIn Profile Views Without Posting.

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