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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Sep 08, 2023

When I moved to Italy and put my career on standby, I believed that I didn't deserve to spend money with a manicurist because I didn't have a job or a financial income.
I did not allow myself to spend money because I connected my self-worth to my bank account, to money precisely.
The calculation was simple, no money entry, no spending on myself.
What are your thoughts about this way of thinking?
Nothing good, right?

Well, I was unconscious of the reason why I was not allowing myself to feel good.
So what happened next was a lousy resentment wave.
I resented the decision to move because it completely changed my life and took away my financial freedom.
Oh, Goddess, those were dark times!
I'm glad that I shifted my money mindset.

Actually, this is the first time in my adult life that I stopped to do the work-around money mindset.
I never knew such a thing existed when I had a corporate career.
Probably because I didn't link my self-worthiness to my bank account.
I linked it with my employment status instead.
Not good again, I know.

But the thing is, how can you implement effective tactics to shift your money mindset?
From what I've learned so far, a shift is possible if you…

Track Your Income.
It's easy to track money, but what about value? You'd be surprised if you stopped to track how much value you receive from different sources. A free coffee, a gift card, a coin you found on the streets, and so many other things you take for granted!

Understand Your Motivation to Work.
Are you in a privileged group that doesn't “need” to work for money? I see you! It's scientifically proven that motivation to work shifts to life fulfillment in your 40s.
Remember Your Stories Around Money. If you grew up seeing your parents working long shifts to ensure your family had enough to eat and pay the bills, you might relate hard work to financial prosperity. But does it make sense for your reality in the digital era?

Detach Self-Worth from Money.
It's ok to be on a sabbatical or a career break. Don't put yourself down because your bank account balance is different from what you had while working. What can you do today to make you feel good about yourself?

Be Generous.
Generosity is the greatest producer of fortune. So how can you be generous and prosperous?

Well, I'll be discussing this with my students in some hours in our live roundtable!
Reply if you want to know more about Career Strategies, the program where I teach you to leverage your life and career.

Let's rock.

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