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What Multinationals Want From You

weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Jan 19, 2024

I had just finished a job-hunting status report in Monaco, and a LinkedIn Revamp with a client in Germany.
Then I rushed to the kitchen to prepare lunch, kids were at home on Summer break, and my husband was still in endless meetings.
I looked at the thermometer, and the temperature was close to 36C.
Heck, it was going to be one of the hot Italian Summer afternoons!

But on that afternoon, I had an event to attend.
And this time, I was not the speaker. I was a guest at an HR Conference about recruiting and Industry 4.0.
The topic was hot for me, and I had to go.
But my introverted side and most ferocious critic was like, "Don't bother, it's too hot, and you still have a lot to do anyway.”
While doing the dishes, I was fighting my inner critic.
I lost.

I decided to message the secretary to say that I was not attending the conference.
Then I took a second look at the content, the people that would be there.
And realized that I was trying to be invisible and choosing administrative and operational tasks instead of acting as a business owner.
Ouch, it hurt.

I immediately dropped the phone and dressed.
I finally understood that if I wanted my business to grow, I must learn to delegate and build a team.
So I'd have more time to attend important events like this one without second-guessing myself with busy work.
And treat me well while doing this.

So off, I went to the HR conference with about 100 HR leaders representing large multinationals.
What really caught my attention at that event was the presented case.
The one about recruiting and industry 4.0.
The message was crystal clear.

Multinationals want you to take the lead in your career development.
They are providing so many trainings as benefits.
They are setting up Company Academies so you can up and re-skill yourself.
So what is your role in this plot?

Enjoy your perks!
Use your course vouchers and your LinkedIn Learning subscription….
Don't stay still in your career development.
Even if your inner introvert critic is just like mine….
Because confidence is built with action!

So if you're second-guessing yourself right now, I'm not different of you. But if you really want to grow, it's time to take action!
And I'm here to design your career growth.
I'll love to hear more about your professional moment and how we can figure out the best growth strategies for you.

Let's rock.

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