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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Apr 12, 2024

Ever wondered how your unique strengths could be the key to unlocking your next career move?
Let's dive into a thought-provoking discussion.
First things first, have you ever taken a moment to reflect on your strengths?

You might be surprised at how they can shape your career journey. I'll share a bit of my experience to illustrate.
In my case, I've identified three core strengths: Maximizer, Activator, and Ideation.

These strengths have been my guiding stars, both personally and professionally. Let's break them down:

1. Maximizer: This strength drives me to seek efficiency in everything I do. However, it can sometimes lead to perfectionism. What's changed for me is that with time I've learned to recognize the signs and pivot my behavior when needed.

2. Activator: Activation is my game. Whether it's activating networks to achieve my goals or helping others do the same, I thrive in this area. It's about the hunger of making things happen, and it's been a game-changer in my career.

3. Ideation: Here's where my creativity shines. While my previous role as a financial controller restrained my creative side, today, as a career consultant, Ideation is my daily companion.

So, the question is, do you know your strengths, and are you leveraging them to grow in your career?

Don't wait for the perfect moment; take action now!
Ready to explore the incredible potential within you?

You can book an introductory call with me by clicking here.
Your strengths are your secret sauce to career success.

Let's rock.

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