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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Mar 01, 2024

Do you send a thank you note after a job interview – even if things didn't go as planned?
A few weeks back, I caught up with a dear friend and former colleague.
We had this amazing partnership at work a while ago.
During our coffee chat, she spilled the beans about her job hunting strategies.

She recently scored an interview at her dream company, but for some reason, her profile wasn't a perfect match for that particular role.
The hiring manager, though, was really kind and told her they'd have a better fit soon and would get in touch.

Now, here's where it gets interesting.
Four weeks later, when we caught up, she hadn't received any contact from them, and she hadn't followed up either.
I gently nudged her to step out of that passive zone and told her something I believe in with all my heart – ALWAYS, without exception, send a thank you note after an interview or even after getting a rejection.
Because not many people do it!

Besides being a classy move, it keeps the dialogue open, and you can leave a super positive impression on the other side of the table.
See, companies want to hire qualified, competent, and polite folks who are genuinely interested in what they do and share the same values.

Sending a thank you note, even when things didn't work out, shows that you have the right attitude, which counts big time.
So, if you're on the hunt for that dream job or have been through an interview lately, remember this golden rule – express your gratitude!
It's a small gesture that can make a world of difference.

It's time to move past passive job hunting and take charge of your career journey!
And that's where I come in – as a job hunter, my specialty lies in empowering you to ace every stage of your job search.

Let's rock.

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