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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Mar 15, 2024

Have you ever thought about the pros and cons of romantic engagements in the workplace?
It's a topic that's been buzzing in my mind, given the countless stories I've encountered throughout my corporate journey.
Marriages, affairs, partnerships, even kiddos.

But let's flip the coin for a second – what are the boundaries when it comes to finding love at work?
Let me share a bit of my own story and how I met my husband.
Funny thing is, we never worked at the same company, not even affiliated ones.
Our career paths just happened to cross indirectly, and that's how we got introduced.

See, one of my desk buddies in the open office had a girlfriend, and the three of us used to hang out on weekends.
She was in college and knew I was single.
One day, one of her classmates asked if she had a cool friend to introduce him to.

And that's how I met my husband almost 20 years ago. A pretty neat kind of networking, don't you think?
But here's the kicker – sometimes, that person right next to you in the office might just play cupid in your story. Ever thought about that?

Now, speaking of time spent at work, let's crunch some numbers.
By the age of 45, you've likely already dedicated an average of 90,000 hours to your job – that's a whopping 38% of your total waking hours!

Considering how much time you spend working, it's only natural that bonds and relationships form in the workplace.
And hey, finding love at work is totally okay – after all, that's where you spend a significant chunk of your life.

So, whether it's a workplace connection or a chance meeting outside the office, the journey to love can be quite the adventure.
If you're navigating matters of the heart and career, or need some tips on how to balance work-life dynamics, I'm here to help.
As a career growth designer, my specialty lies in lifting you up at every stage of your life.

Let's connect for an introductory call and dive into strategies that align with your unique journey.
Just click this link to book a spot on my calendar, and let's start working on your path to both professional and personal success. 

Looking forward to chatting with you!

Let's rock

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