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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Apr 05, 2024

Ever found yourself in an interview with a junior recruiter and felt like you're the one guiding the conversation?
It's a common situation that I recently discussed with one of my early clients, and it got me thinking – maybe you've been there too.

Picture this: You're a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience, and across the table is a junior recruiter who's still finding their footing.
You start asking advanced questions about the company, the role, and they struggle to provide in-depth answers.
Suddenly, you're left with doubts about the company's quality or the job itself. It can be quite frustrating, right?

But here's the thing – the current job market is unlike anything we've seen before.
We have multiple generations coexisting in the workplace, and that's a fascinating and unprecedented dynamic.
While it's true that an inexperienced recruiter might feel a bit overwhelmed interviewing senior candidates, if we shift our perspective, incredible things can happen.

Instead of viewing it as a mismatch, consider this: both parties are there to give their best.
It's not about judgment; it's about understanding. The learning process goes both ways.
Now, speaking of shifts, I have something exciting in the pipeline that can help you navigate these situations with ease.

Let's empower ourselves with the right mindset and set the stage for a remarkable career ahead.

Let's rock.

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