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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Mar 08, 2024

Have you ever considered the significance of taking care of yourself first before diving into job hunting, especially after a life-changing event like a divorce?

Let me tell you a story that might shed some light on this.

Recently, I came across the case of a young woman who decided to shift her career.
She seemed incredibly qualified and smart, looking for something more fulfilling than what she had experienced in the corporate world.
A few months later, we had a chance to meet in person, and she opened up about what was going on in her life.
She was going through a divorce – a tough, painful, and unexpected phase. She shared that she was taking care of her finances and felt it was crucial to find a career path to support her during this challenging time.

Now, here's my simple take on situations like this – going through a divorce is no easy feat, and it's okay to acknowledge and work through the grieving process before jumping into a job search.
Allow yourself to feel the pain and process your emotions first.

The job hunt can wait until you've found some space in your heart to take care of yourself.
After all, just like they say on airplanes, always put the oxygen mask on yourself first before assisting others.
Taking care of yourself and addressing your emotions will help you heal and put you in a better position to navigate your career path with clarity and confidence.

I'm here for you if you're looking for support during this transformative time and need help revamping your LinkedIn profile or crafting a standout CV. 
My specialty as a job hunter lies in uplifting your self-esteem by highlighting all the incredible accomplishments you've achieved in your career.

Let's connect for an introductory call where we can dive into personalized strategies to elevate your job-hunting journey. 

Let's rock.

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