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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Jun 30, 2023

As if familiar insomnia, memory lapses, hot flashes, and depression symptoms were not enough, you decided it was time to get back into the job market.
After all, your children are increasingly independent, and your life partner has caught up with their career growth.
"Now it's my turn!" you think.
And then, "Yeah, but how the hell can I get my career back on track after years of being out of the job market?"
It seems like a mission impossible, doesn't it?

Oops, now I remember Tom Cruise in any of his movies. In fact, he is very good in Top Gun Maverick. I recommend it if you haven't seen it yet!
Back to the subject of menopause and career growth, not much is said about this subject.
Or rather, little used to be said about this subject. Perhaps because a large percentage of working women of the Boomers and X generations did not feel comfortable talking about getting older.
I don't want to sound like a broken record, but we know that our Western society does not deal well with aging.

From my perspective, that is changing.
More and more, I am reading about subjects that used to be considered taboo, especially in the workplace.
And menopause is one of those subjects.
The workplace is still a male environment. Many years will pass before diversity, equality, and inclusion become part of the values of companies, especially large ones.
Well, what about you, who decided to return to the job market after years of caring for your family? Where do you fit in all this?

As an optimist, I must say there is no better time to be alive. Despite all the bad things you see in the news, do you know why there is no better time?
Because you are here, breathing, alive, and kicking, now.
So, my friend, it's time to get up and remember your dreams.
What did you really want for your life and your career?
When you think of professional success, what comes to your mind?
I want to help you remember who you are!

Because I know inside you, underneath all your strength as a mother, wife, partner, and friend there is a woman on fire wanting more, willing to do more, to feel useful.
You are not alone, I and many other women feel the same way.
Come with us to raise your self-esteem and start a new professional path.

A big and warm hug.
Let's rock.


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