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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Dec 08, 2023

Tired and overloaded with everything going on in your life? 
Job hunting can be overwhelming, especially when it feels like there's already too much on your plate. 
However, I believe that taking small, actionable steps can make a significant difference.

Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, which is detrimental to your progress. let's start with one simple thing. 

Today, I want you to take a moment to reach out to someone you already know and trust. 
It could be a friend, coworker, or colleague. 
Share your dreams with them and have a meaningful conversation. 

This single action can bring you one step closer to your dream job.
Can you commit to doing this during the upcoming week? 

Once you've taken this first step, I'll be here to guide you through the rest of your journey. 
I'm confident that together, we can help you achieve your career goals.
Now, let's talk about who you'll reach out to and what you'll tell them. 
I encourage you to hit reply and let me know. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

By the way, I want you to know that you're not alone in this. 
Many clients have benefited from my services recently. 
Just last week, a client who is employed and quietly job hunting received a total of five interview invites as a result of the program we worked on together. 
(and one of them is her dream company!)

She has managed to balance a demanding 10-hour workday while still making progress in her job hunt.
Her success story proves that seeking help and support can make a real difference. 
So, whenever you feel ready to shift your career, remember that I'm here for you.

Let's rock this journey together!


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Learn my 3 step process to boost your visibility in a few profile tweaks. Download the free guide How to Double Your LinkedIn Profile Views Without Posting.

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