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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Oct 06, 2023

Ninety percent.
According to the recorded data I have so far since I created my career coaching business, CL4IR, this is the percentage of people that reached out and told me they had never negotiated a compensation package in their careers.
To be very honest with you, in the beginning, I was shocked.
And quite judgemental.

”How come such a qualified professional has never negotiated her compensation before?”
There is a big issue in the discomfort you feel when it’s time to have money conversations.
I won’t be tapping into what people like me and you heard in childhood or adolescence.
But I’ll address what you can do today to change this behavior in the future.
Because the work market is rapidly changing.
New technologies are already here to stay.
Your profession may not exist in 5 or 10 years.
So you need to reinvent yourself and your career to be employable.

And employability, in some cases, means a career change.
I’m not talking about changing jobs.
I’m talking about changing your profession, your path.
This is huge.
You get all messed up when start thinking about potential career paths.
No surprise there.

I actually chose my first profession - as a Civil Engineer - by taking behavioral/talent tests.
No wonder the first time I changed my career, I was totally blurred.
Feeling blurred means something.

The lack of clarity you feel right now has a direct impact on how you value yourself and your career.
If it is impossible to negotiate your salary now, imagine how it would be if you start to work as a freelancer and must set prices for your services?

So, take action now to shift your mindset.

Let’s rock.

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📲 To learn about my Mid-Career Growth Design services, send a WhatsApp message to +39 320 625 9408 or click here

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