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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom May 19, 2023

Only this year, after house move number 18 (and counting…), I started watching Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix.
It was life-changing for me in many aspects. Although I’ve never been an accumulator, her method called my heart and completely changed how I organize my stuff and life.
What Marie says when tidying homes is: does this object spark joy in you?

It’s a simple question that can transform how you feel about the alignment between who you are and your life right now.
Now, think about your career growth with Kondo’s method.

When it comes to a job search, there are three things that must be 100% aligned with who you are and what you want: your CV, LinkedIn, and cover letter.
The action step for this week is to look at them, take a deep breath and feel them. Do they spark joy in you?

From my perspective as a career coach, usually, people don’t get good results out of their job search simply because there is a disconnection between who they are, what they want, and what is in their CV, LinkedIn, and cover letter.

Sometimes it’s the case of wearing layers and masks to impress others rather than showcasing yourself.
Other times, the comparison monster keeps them in a perpetual funk, preventing inspired actions to keep going.

The good news is there is a way out. If you feel like that, you’re not alone!
This is precisely what I do as a coach, I help people find inner alignment and transport it to their career growth through branding.

Here are my Fabi Kondo’s job search tidying tips on how to get a job offer that sparks joy in your life:

Clarity - Design what you want.
You have a crystal clear goal. You know your strengths and how to use them to neutralize weaknesses. You mapped the results you delivered in your career.

LinkedIn Revamp - Be visible to those who can hire you.
Your profile is optimized and ready to receive visitors. You know how LinkedIn works. You're ready to use it strategically.

SmartCV Writing - Never again be ashamed of a boring CV.
You highlighted your core competencies with quantifiable results. You know how to customize your CV for any position. You are what recruiters are looking for.

Strategies - Actions build confidence.
You nailed the perfect cover letter. You are prepared for job interviews. You are comfortable with networking. You are a master in salary negotiation.

This is how you’ll get a job offer that sparks joy!
You got the recognition you deserve. An employer that values your skills and experience. You regained your professional confidence. You are finally meeting your financial freedom again.
I’m ready to work with you on your growth.

Let’s rock sparkling joy!


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