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weekly pill of mid-career growth wisdom Feb 24, 2023

Last year one of my biggest dreams came true.
I signed the purchase contract for a brand-new energy-efficient house in Italy.
A long-term dream realized, besides other nice experiences for our family, school choice in line with our family values, and our choice for a simpler life system with less environmental impact.

You know, I realized those dreams that seemed very distant to us in Brazil in less than five years in Italy. 
And even though several great things happened, I beat myself up when needing help to make my dream work in the professional realm. 
I really love what I do. 

And I finally understood I cannot grow my business as fast as I want, mainly because my time is divided into several other roles I have taken in life.
So in 2022, I set several time boundaries to protect my focus and relieve the pressure I've been adding to my career development.

I'm giving you a very personal perspective today because it's that time of the year when you start thinking about the dreams you achieved and those you didn't.
And one of the things that may be in your mind is a hidden dream of feeling fulfillment at work.
Followed by the dilemma of whether or not to leave the corporate world. 
I know this feeling. I felt like that once.

And I'm here to tell you that quitting your day job without a well-defined plan may not be a good new year's resolution.
Well, I decided to leave multinationals at the end of 2019. 
The worst thing that happened to me was the lack of financial security. That is until today, actually. 
If I were the family's primary income provider, I certainly would have gone back to corporate life by now. 
Starting a business in a foreign country takes work and cash flow. 🥵

It takes time.
I don't know if you are like me, but I am very black-and-white. 
When I decide on something, I go for it. Fearless.

But of course, this has several consequences, and the financial ones, for those with family and kids, are the most important.
And I am thankful every day for the privileges I have conquered so far:
• To work in what I love; 
• To have amazing clients worldwide;
• To have the house of my dreams; 
• To live in Europe; 
• To use my creativity; 
• To take my daughters to school and pick them up in the middle of the afternoon; 
• To swim in the morning. 

All those bullets mean freedom.
Freedom of time is the biggest asset in my life right now.
And I'm mastering time management!
So, think about that. 
About what makes you truly and practically happy, about the impacts of your career decisions on your life and your family's life.

What is the biggest asset in your life right now?
And how can you leverage it?
I'm here to listen to your story. 

Let's rock!

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