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mid-career growth show salary negotiation Jan 27, 2023

So you got a job offer! But is it a fair offer?

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If you have already done your due diligence and researched pay ranges, it's time also to trust your gut feeling! Yes, your intuition. 
If you smell there is something wrong, or you're not 100% satisfied with what you received (even though after negotiating), it's totally okay to say no. You can decline a job offer with style!

Check out this script:
Hello [Name],
I hope you're doing well.
I guess I have briefly mentioned to you that I'm participating in a couple of other processes. 
I want to give you a heads up that I just got offered a job by one of them and after thorough consideration decided to accept it.
The opportunity at [Company] was really interesting and I appreciate your attention in the process and interviews.
Thank you and all the best.
[Your Name]

 It's absolutely okay if you decline a job offer because you just felt something is not good for you or if they promised you something during the selection process and the written offer is missing it.
To negotiate a job offer, you must have a very clear picture of what you want. It's impossible to negotiate without a goal.
Don't leave room for any kind of ambiguity when it comes to a job offer.
If you have questions, ask them! 
Because usually, people that feel there is something not good with an offer and accept it as it is don't stay much longer at that job. 
So you can change it right now! Save your time, energy, and misery of accepting something you don't want.

Let's rock!

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